Vision & Mission

Vision: Mainstreaming of people affected by leprosy within society.
Mission: To provide education, health care and enhance economic opportunities while at the same time drawing on government entitlements and strengthening networks able to improve policies and programmes leading to lives of dignity and inclusion for people and families affected by leprosy.

Main activities

  • Health care provision for people affected by leprosy living in the Jharkhand colonies.
  • Cleaning and enhancement of hygiene in the colonies, including water provision
  • Education support for the children
  • Skill development, training and employment opportunities for youth in the colonies.
  • Formation of self-help groups especially of the women
  • Enhancement of Policies and Provision of government entitlements, through lobbying and networking, such as :
  • Acceptance of leprosy affected with disabilities, not acknowledge
  • Pension provision
  • Land and Housing provision
    Mobilization of festivals and society activities providing opportunities for inclusion and acceptance