The Nippon Foundation Home-Care Nursing Entrepreneurship Training Program

108 nurses completed in 7 years.
Over 90 have started up their home-care nursing centers

The Nippon Foundation Home-Care Nursing Center Entrepreneurship Training Program, implemented from 2014 to 2021, is an 8-month training program. Under the slogan “Nurses Change Society,” trainees developed not only knowledge as entrepreneurs, but also preparedness, responsibility, and mindset. 180 lessons (90 minutes per lesson) were given by more than 80 instructors during the 8-month training period, as well as 3-7 weeks of practical training and facility tours including outside of the prefecture. Over the seven years of the program, 108 nurses have participated, and more than 90 nurses have started their own home-care nursing centers.

Training Contents


Trainees will learn about home-care nursing, medical care, and the legal system, as well as skills necessary for starting and running a business, such as human resource management and accounting through series of lectures given by experts from various fields.

Practical Training

The trainees visit several business sites, mainly home-care nursing centers which are managed by the graduates of this training program. They learn home-care nursing by accompanying on home visits, and management skills from the practices on the ground.

Business Plan Presentation

While receiving coaching from the instructor, the trainees create a “vision,” “management policy,” “medium- to long-term plan,” and “financial plan” necessary for starting up their own business, and make a presentation at the end of the training program.

Business Operation and Management Skills


  • Business Management
  • Accounting
  • Human Resource Management
  • Legal Issues
  • Fund Procurement

Nursing Practice Skills

  • Functions and Structures of the respiratory / circulatory / gastro-Intestinal / Nervous System
  • Medical Care for elderly / Disabled People
  • Nursing Practice and Theory


  • Long-Term Care Insurance System
  • Social Welfare
  • Medical Care, Social Welfare and Depopulation

Community Medical Cooperation

  • Home-Visit Dental and Oral Care
  • Acupuncture and Moxibustion
  • Nutrition Care Management
  • Welfare Commissioner
  • Community Medical Cooperation


  • Lectures by graduates
  • On-Site Training
  • Symposium
  • Orientation

Trainee Demographics (As of 2019)

Total numbers of the trainees (2014-2019): 85


Michiko Maruyama

(4th Batch, Miki Home-Care Nursing Center)

During the time I worked at the University Hospital Emergency Center and at a facility for severely mentally and physically disabled children, I was involved in a variety of acute cases and congenital diseases. I was always haunted by what kind of life awaited the patients after leaving the hospital with mental and physical disabilities. And when I began to intend to pursue home-visit nursing that would allow me to be more deeply involved in people’s lives, I came to know about this project. The eight months were literally fulfilling, with lectures by professors who are on the cutting edge of their respective fields and visits to facilities that are pioneering initiatives. The training gave me a big dream to “convey Japanese home-care nursing to the world.” We are trying to establish our work as the first “Nippon Foundation Home-Care Nursing Center” in Wakayama.

Hideo Edo

(5th Batch, Comodo Home-Care Nursing Center)

I feel that this training has given me the opportunity to learn a lot about nursing as well as other fields outside of nursing, and has enabled me to see and think from a broader perspective. 8 months of learning has been an invaluable experience. As a visiting nurse, I have traveled around the community and have met and parted with many people. I have been keenly aware that home visit nursing has great potential to enrich the lives of people in the community. I would like to start my own “Home-Care Nursing Center” and establish its roots in the community. I would like to start my own “Home-Care Nursing Center” as I have envisioned it, and to become a center that takes root in the community and is needed by the community. As a nurse, I will realize to “change society” with my fellow nurses I met during this training!

Satoko Saeki

(3rd Batch, Irodori Home-Care Nursing Center)

While searching for The Nippon Foundation, which provided 6 billion yen for the restoration of Kumamoto Castle immediately after the 2017 Kumamoto earthquake, I came across its sister foundation, Sasakawa Health Foundation’s “Home-Care Nursing Center Entrepreneurship Training Project” and decided to attend the course as if led by a fate.
The lectures and tours of pioneering facilities by renowned lecturers in various fields, including liberal arts studies other than nursing, medicine, and other health-related fields, social conditions, the outlook for Japan, vision and romance, management, labor relations, leadership, team power, and global health, gave me a broad perspective, the meaning of challenge, and the importance of continuing to think while running, all of which stimulated my thinking. The training was fulfilling days that stimulated me to the very core of my thinking.
In our second year of operation, we are now regularly holding multidisciplinary discussion and learning sessions (Saito Bogu Kai) as part of our community building efforts.
Through the nationwide network that is steadily being built up, I share with my colleagues the dream of disseminating “Japanese home-care nursing” to the world.

Hatsumi Ogata

(6th Batch, Alivial Home-Care Nursing Center)

I left Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, where I was born and raised, to go to nursing school in the Kansai region and work as a hospital nurse.
While I found the profession of nursing through my interactions with patients, I also learned that there were many people who wanted to leave the hospital and return home, but were anxious to do so.
Around the time when my desire to support people with illnesses so that they can live peacefully at home, I came across this project on the Internet.
I had no management experience and knew little about home-care nursing.
However, I was blessed with lectures by top-notch instructors that I could not find anywhere else. When I come across a problem, classmates are willing to share their experiences and considering seriously as if it were their problems, and seniors who have started their own businesses help me learn in a positive manner.
Opening a business on a remote island can be a daunting prospect, but with this training course, it is possible to get a lot of support from the foundation and other people.