
INITIATIVE NEWS: Results of social media photo contest

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In the run-up to World Leprosy Day and this year’s Global Appeal 2021 to End Stigma and Discrimination against Persons Affected by Leprosy, the Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative organized a social media photo contest titled “Working with Dignity” in order to promote the idea that everyone has the right to work. Contest participants shared photographs of persons affected by leprosy and their family members engaged in work as part of everyday life. Here we share five winning photographs from four organizations.

An additional 12 photographs from seven organizations were shared in an online gallery as part of the temporary website for the Global Appeal. We are grateful to the following organizations for their submissions: MORHAN (Brazil), HANDA (China), Raj Pracha Samasai Institute (Thailand), International Nepal Fellowship, IDEA Kenya, FELEHANSEN (Colombia), and Saksham Kushthanteya Swabhimani Sanstha (India).

Tham Bahadur Thapa (right in top photo; far left in bottom photo) working as a patient counsellor in Nepal. Photos contributed by International Nepal Fellowship.


Art Donwichai working as a farmer in Thailand

Art Donwichai working as a farmer in Thailand. Photo contributed by Raj Pracha Samasai Institute.


Lucrecia Vásquez Acevedo working as a clothing operator in Colombia.

Lucrecia Vásquez Acevedo working as a clothing operator in Colombia. Photo contributed by FLEHANSEN.


Shantabai Sedam working as a basket maker in India.

Shantabai Sedam working as a basket maker in India. Photo contributed by Saksham Kushthanteya Swabhimani Sanstha.


NO. 102 MARCH 2021