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英語版 国の消長の続きの続きー国家と差別偏見 After a country either prospers or disappears(continued)-the state and discrimination



今週は、世界中に広がっているBLM(Black Lives Matter 国人の命は大事だ)を想い、数週前に書いたものの英訳です。とても難しい問題であり、英訳することも迷いました、海外の知人から、あなたはどう思っているのかと問われたことで、ここにUPします。あくまで、私個人の考えです。


After a country either prospers or disappears(continued)-the state and discrimination


I have written about countries previously in February and March. I do so yet again, and for two reasons. One is the Tiananmen Square Incident in China on June 4, 1989. On that day, a friend of mine was due to come and visit me in Pakistan, where I was living at the time helping Afghan refugees. The friend was flying via Beijing, but the plane didn’t arrive…and the reason for that was the Tiananmen Square Incident.


Students had earlier launched a nationwide democratization movement and Tiananmen Square, which could hold 1 million people, and 13.5-kilometer-long Chang’an Avenue, with five lanes in both directions, was filled with people and tanks. Then, at the direction of the ruling politicians, the army moved against the students and citizens. A Pakistani newspaper later reported on the man who stood in front of a tank.

The army, which has the job of protecting the country, points its guns at the people…Both sides have their own arguments, but there is no argument that satisfies everyone. That was 31 years ago. Now, on May 28 this year, I saw on the news that the National People’s Congress (the national legislature of the People’s Republic of China and the highest organ of state power) had approved a national security law for Hong Kong. I was reminded of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong a few years earlier. This is not an issue on which I can easily express my opinion, but the words ‘One country, two systems’ in Hong Kong and China’s internal affairs come to mind. What is a country, I ask myself.

The other reason I am writing about countries again is because of a recent event in the United States—the country I want to see be the leader of democracy in the world, or should I say wanted to see—and the behavior of its president. The novel coronavirus has not yet subsided, but the media have taken up this incident in the same way. I refer to the killing of George Floyd, an African American, as he was in the process of being arrested by several white police officers. As Mr. Floyd was pleading, “I can’t breathe!” one of the policemen continued to press his knee to his neck until he killed him. This entire sequence, from beginning to end, was recorded on film and released to the world.

According to an article in the June 8 edition of the Washington Post, nearly 1,000 people a year are killed by a police officer’s gun—two to three people a day, in other words. But this particular incident goes beyond the dimension of one black man—a citizen—being killed by a policeman.
すなわち、フロイド氏の死は、これまでの同様事件を超え、過去の同様の黒人差別撤廃運動を超え、そうです、あのローザ・パークス事件(注1)を超えて、すべての人に対する差別偏見へのすべての人々の憤りを連帯しつつあるように思います。だからこそ、短時間にアメリカ全土に広がり、今や“Black Lives Matter(黒人の命が大事)”通称BLMという世界的運動に到ったのでしょう。そうです、人々の意識は軽々と、瞬時に国境を越えます。
The death of Mr. Floyd exceeds past incidents of a similar nature, and the movement it has triggered to end discrimination against black people surpasses previous movements—yes, even that sparked by the Rosa Parks incident.(See Footnote) I think what Mr. Floyd’s death has done has been to unite all people in solidarity against discrimination. That is why it has spread across the United States so quickly, and why “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) is now a global movement. Yes, indeed; people’s thoughts effortlessly and instantly cross borders.
Not only has BLM spread, it has prodded more people into taking action, and in the process has radicalized some in the United States. At one point, the president proposed dispatching the military. Leaders sought to oppress people standing up for justice. Forgive me for putting it this way, but it seemed like the response of a developing country and reminded me of Tiananmen Square three decades before. It’s still happening that politicians are ordering guns to be pointed at the people, and in the democracy that is the United States of America.

A country has a duty to protect the people, something I recalled many times when I worked in refugee assistance.


Regarding the word “country”, in Japanese it can be written in a number of different ways, although the meaning does not change very much. In English, there are also the words “nation” and “state” in addition to “country”.

Countryは、地理的な広がりからの国土であり、どんな人が住んでいても、どんな政治体系でもかまわないのに対し、nationは、民族的かたまりから見た国です。国民という意味もあるnationという単語は、難民支援に関与していた頃には意識しました。最後のstateは、United States of Americaのそれですが、語源はラテン語statusで、ある地域の中の住民への支配権を意味するとされます・・・ので、私は政治信条的結びつきによる範囲をいう国だと思っています。

A country is a geographical entity and it is irrelevant who lives there or what the political system is. A nation, on the other hand, is seem from the standpoint of ethnicity. When I was involved in assisting refugees, I was conscious of the word “nation”, which also carries with it the meaning of “the people”. As for the word “state”(from the Latin status) as in the United States of America, it suggests control over the inhabitants of a certain area and I think of it as a grouping based on politics and beliefs.

The beginning of the American Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

If the nation that was formed based on this philosophy is the United States, then the killing of George Floyd by a police officer who should be protecting the people, and the police confronting protestors, are not worthy of America, a democratic country, and not at all beautiful. Surely democracy should be the ideal that unites a multiethnic America?

アフリカ系アメリカ人女性として初めて国務長官(2005年 ブッシュ政権)に就任されたコンドリーザ・ライス氏のワシントンポスト(2020.06.05)への投稿「今、私たちは、アメリカの人種問題に立ち向かうことを求められている(This moment cries out for us to confront race in America) 」を読むと、アメリカでのこの問題の根の深さと、その対策として個々人がなすべき意識改革の重要さが判ります・・・と簡単に云ってはいけないと思いますが、「人種」問題だけでなく、様々な差別偏見という、きわめて個人的な意識を、改めて、自覚しなおしています。

When I read the June 5 opinion piece in the Washington Post by Condoleeza Rice, the first African American woman to become secretary of state, “This moment cries out for us to confront race in America”, I understood how deep-rooted this problem is in the United States and how important it is that individuals change their way of thinking—although I know that is not something I should say easily. With this in mind, I am reexamining my own biases, not only on race but on many other issues.


(Footnote) In 1955, in the town of Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing a bus driver’s order for her to give up her seat for a white man. Rosa Parks was arrested, triggering protests led by the Reverend Martin Luther King that saw black people boycott Montgomery’s buses. Because of her action, Rosa Parks is known as “the mother of the civil rights movement” in the United States.